The day gets lighter, though the sky is dark.
This soft light marks the dawning of a new year,
The rain falls lightly.
Tears of joy or pain?
Maybe both….
How do I find a light that excites me to
Begin again?
In a world that feels broken,
Full of confusion and consumption?
People feeling plagued by addictions,
& unsteady states of mental health
swallowing us up.
Diming our light.
How do I muster up the energy again this year?
Searching for answers
I reach out.
I reach in.
I flail like a fish out of water.
I step outside…
It is here that I feel a space within
Desire spreads her arms for a warm embrace.
I look at the horizon
See the open sky above the treeline,
More space.
More possibilities.
I scan the forest full of trees.
Their grace and strength,
So unwavering.
So steady.
So resilient.
I feel the cool air on my skin,
Reminding me how alive I am.
Reminding me to get out of my head.
Reminding me to make room for unseen miracles
To move through me,
Smooth and quiet,
like water moving through water.
I remind myself of all that is good in this life.
I name them so they echo inside,
Crowding out the harshness.
FIlling the emptiness,
The sadness,
The despair.
Giving a little light to the darkness.
A deep inhale moves the light,
Spreads the light,
Ignites the light.
Ahhh, hope arrives,
Like a dear friend from my childhood,
Picking up where we last left off.